Klima Global General Trading LLC
Contact us :+971 4 548 5455
Email : info@klimaglobal.com
Put energy savings on high. Intelli-Hood® patented HVAC kitchen hood controls use optic and smart temperature sensors to monitor the level of cooking activity while automatically adjust your fans accordingly to operate at full speed only when your kitchen does.
Tell us how many hoods your organization operates and we’ll tell you how much our INTELLI-HOOD DCKV technology can save you.
Smart: autonomous & self-adjusting
Highest energy savings – pays for itself in 1-3 years
NFPA 96 safety compliance
View the main components of the Intelli-Hood demand control kitchen ventilation system
How our unique design maximizes kitchen energy efficiency.
Without the Intelli-Hood demand control kitchen ventilation (DCKV) system, your kitchen is wasting energy, and thereby wasting conditioned air and money. A self-learning system, Intelli-Hood optic and temperature sensors monitor the level of cooking activity, sensing when you’re slow and continually adjusting. Why run fans at 100% speed when your kitchen isn’t? Slow down exhaust and speed up savings.
For 30 years, Melink has engineered smart solutions that help energy managers like you reach clean energy goals while reducing kitchen operating costs.
Dual sensing solution learns and automatically controls your fan speeds.
Works on any manufacturer’s hood, new or existing.
Captures and contains effluent, smells, and other cooking by-products.
Alerts you when the exhaust air temperature is too high.
Melink offers 24/7 staff support, a global technician network, and preventative maintenance and monitoring.
Access resources to understand and troubleshoot Melink’s demand control kitchen ventilation system.
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